Even if dogs are primarily classed are carnivores, you need to know that even wolfs in the wild are eating plant-based food from time to time, because this way they get useful nutrients for their diet.
Your dog is also primarily classed as carnivore, and this is the reason why you need to give him a diet consisting of meat, but also plant-based foods.
Can Dogs Eat Sweetcorn?
It turns out that corn is a valuable nutrition not only for humans, but also for your dog.
Corn is packed with dietary fiber (which will keep your dog healthy), and by containing carbohydrates, proteins, and essential fatty acids, corn provides a great source of energy for your dog’s muscles and immune system.
Corn is a vital part of your dog’s diet because it also contains antioxidants (twice the amount of oxidants found in apples).
This way, corn is rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, two antioxidants recently discovered to be beneficial for your dog’s eye health.
Antioxidants also reduce the number of free radicals, which can damage your dog’s cells and weaken his immune system.
If cooked, corn becomes highly digestible, giving your dog the nutrition he needs to be healthy and full of energy.
So, what is the answer to the question: Can Dogs Eat Corn?
Yes, they can!
And you should include corn in your dog’s diet as soon as possible to give him the required nutrients for a healthy and happy life.
What about corn cob?
Letting your dog to eat the cob is not a good idea because if corn is very for the dog, corn’s cob is very dangerous because it can cause a blockage or even the perforation of the intestines.
What are the symptoms when your dog ate a corn cob and how to help him?
Some dogs after eating corn cob may show some clinical signs such as: sickness, tiredness, poor appetite, abdominal tenderness or abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation (difficulty to produce even small amounts of poop).
Unlike most vegetables that can be digested easily by your dog, eating a corn cob can create abdominal pain due to the presence of an intestinal blockage or even a perforation of the intestines.
If your dog starts vomiting, maybe the pieces of corn cob will be removed, which means that you have a lucky dog that escaped without the need of an abdominal operation.
Dogs are usually swallowing all kind of unwanted things, which luckily could travel through their system without causing any problems.
However, if your dog ate a corn cob, giving the fact the pieces of cob can cause a blockage in the intestines, you should contact you vet right away.
If your vet is not available, you need to take your dog to the nearest pet emergency clinic.
How to include corn in your dog’s diet
If you love your dog, I’m sure that at least one time you will prepare a meal for he or her by your own.
1. Dog food recipe with beef, veggies and corn
Go to your local grocery store to take all the ingredients required by the following recipe.
Grab your dog’s bowl and put inside the following ingredients:
1. 15 oz of ground beef (at least 80% lean meat);
2. 2 tsp (teaspoon) of hempseed oil or 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds (to balance the fats);
3. Half a can of sardines or half a teaspoon of cod liver oil (contains vitamin E and D);
4. Half a teaspoon of ginger (contains Manganese for ligament support);
5. Half a teaspoon of kelp (contains Iodine);
6. One egg;
7. Take the egg shell and grind it if you have an adult dog (remove the egg shell if you have a puppy);
8. 1 oz of beef liver (contains copper, iron and zinc);
9. Veggies like broccoli, pepper, baby spinach and … corn grains (contains antioxidants, nutrients and fiber);
Mix it all together and now you have a balanced meal for your dog.
You can feed it raw to your dog or you can cook it.
Don’t forget that this meal is for your dog and not for you.
2. Dog food recipe with chicken, veggies, fruits and corn
Put inside your dog’s bowl the following ingredients:
1. One or two chicken leg quarters (depending on the size of your dog);
2. One or two chicken gizzards or hearts;
3. 3 to 5 baby carrots;
4. Watermelon (for water and vitamins);
5. A few pieces of celery;
6. A hand of corn grains;
7. Asparagus;
8. Brussels sprouts;
9. Berries
10. One or two eggs (again, if your dog is an adult you can also use the egg shell, otherwise avoid using it).
This meal should be served raw, because this way your dog will keep its teeth and gums in a good shape.
Never give corn cob to your dog, let him or her take down the corn grains from the cob, or do it by yourself before feeding your dog with corn.
The corn grains can be raw, boiled or roasted.
If your dog is not a fan of corn grains, you can include this amazing food in its diet by mixing corn grains with other veggies and beef meat.
Instead of chicken leg quarters or ground beef, you can use muscles, heart and other organs, chicken wings, etc.
Always include meat (red lean meat is better for your dog), one or two eggs, and a lot of veggies in your dog’s meal.
If you have a small breed dog, you can prepare the above recipes, but be aware that your tiny dog can’t eat a big chicken leg quarter, so you rather use some chopped organs (liver, heart, gizzards, etc.) combined with veggies and oils (or canned fish) to prepare its meal.
Feed your small breed dog with about 3/4 of a cup from the above meals every day.
If you have a puppy, avoid giving him the egg shell, and start teaching him that he needs to eat veggies along with the meat for a long, healthy and happy life.
Final conclusion
Teach your dog to eat veggies along with the meat, and give him raw meals to benefit from all the nutrients in the food.
By cooking the food, a large part of the nutrients will be lost in the cooking process, so feeding them with raw meals could be very healthy for them.
If your dog ate corn cob and feels sick, call your vet right away or take it to the closest pet emergency clinic to save its life.